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Summary Energy Anthropology Network meeting Belfast (27 July 2022)

Th Energy Anthropology network gathered on 27/7/22 in Belfast. In attendance were: Katja Müller (convenor), Nathalie Ortar, Simone Abram, Selena Saligari, Karen Henwood, Jennifer Speirs, Ana Isabel Afonso, Marten Boekelo, Maria Triton, Pauline Destree, Felix Schiedlowski, Chima Anyadike-Danes, Ben Campbell, Ragnhild Freng Dale, Karen Waltorp, Debora Lanzani and Elisabeth Moolenaar (secretary). 

The network discussed the activities in the last two years.

  • network meeting in Stavanger @ the Petroleum museum “Digitisation and low carbon energy transitions” which was a successful hybrid meeting and lead to a edited volume (see below)
  • the website was updated
  • thanks to Marten Boekelo the network has a regular newsletter
  • the energy dialogues were much appreciated and the network hopes to continue those

Several volumes were produced which were presented at the meeting:

  • Ethnographies of Power
  • Energy Futures
  • Digitisation and low carbon energy transitions

The activities and edited volumes indicate that we have a productive network. The group discussed what’s next. Some suggested a journal or special issue (talk to John Campbell about Urban anthropology journal and Chris gross) We can also think about producing a book series. 

The group also discussed ideas for the meeting in between the biannual EASA meetings. Simone suggested combining it with a conference at Durham in September 2023. Some themes that might lend themselves well for the meeting and collaborating with other networks: mobility and media. The idea arose to survey the network to see what ideas and/or preferences others may have.

Elisabeth Moolenaar resigned her post as network secretary after two terms (2018-2022). Pauline Destree will be the new network secretary. Ragnhild Freng will be Katja Müller’s new co-convenor. Selena Saligari volunteered to manage the social media for the network.

(for additions or revisions to these notes please contact

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
elmo (August 29, 2022). Summary Energy Anthropology Network meeting Belfast (27 July 2022). Energy Anthropology Network. Retrieved February 19, 2025 from

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