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Permanent Research Fellow job opportunity: Interdisciplinary social sciences for sustainability Headlines

Based at Global Sustainability Institute, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK.   

Application deadline: Monday 28 March 2022

Start date: negotiable, likely June 2022 onwards

 Global Sustainability Institute (GSI)Over the past 10 years, the GSI has built a global reputation for delivering research impact and high-quality publications across a broad range of sustainability issues. The GSI undertakes interdisciplinary, action-focussed Social Sciences and Humanities research to support transformations towards sustainable and just societies. The GSI has a particular interest in research that has the potential for real-world impact, and thus has a wide portfolio of applied projects that focus on working with e.g. European Commission, UK Government, local authorities, charities and NGOs, business and industry, etc. Most notably for this post, we have led the €1m European Innovation Forum for energy-related Social Sciences and Humanities (Energy-SHIFTS, 2019-2021) and its €2m predecessor EU platform (SHAPE ENERGY, 2017-2019), and have recently been awarded coordination of the forthcoming €3m European Centre of Excellence for Social Sciences and Humanities research on climate, energy and mobility (SSH CENTRE, 2022-26). We are coordinating the newly launched €5m SHARED GREEN DEAL (2022-2027), which is implementing 24 social experiments across Europe on Green Deal priority areas. We have also received funding from six of the seven UK Research Councils (ESRC, EPSRC, NERC, AHRC, BBSRC, STFC), for example being part of major UKRI centres such as the ESRC’sCentre for Understanding Sustainable Prosperity and EPSRC’s EnergyREV.  

The positionThis is an exciting opportunity to build your own research portfolio in areas that are complementary to the GSI’s current research on the social studies of sustainability/energy transformations. You’ll start off as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, but there will be ample possibilities to continue progression up the research career ladder (to e.g. Senior Research Fellow; Principal Research Fellow or Associate Professor; Professor). Candidates will be expected to bring their own ideas for development, but will also be given the opportunity to collaborate with GSI colleagues on funding proposals already under development.

Lecturer position in anthroengineering at London South Bank University

The Division of Mechanical Engineering and Design at London South Bank University is hiring a new lecturer with a focus on anthroengineering (job posting here). 
The lecturer will be expected to aid in the delivery of our MSc in Anthroengineering in Sept 2022. The course, found here, will focus mostly on biomechanics and end-user design/design anthropology. The ideal candidate would have experience combining engineering and anthropology in their research, but candidates from a variety of relevant backgrounds will be considered. 

Postdoc position in Southern New England (U.S.) on Regional Community Attitudes Regarding Procedural and Distributive Justice Dimensions in Offshore Wind Power Development

A new project on offshore wind power development is looking for a graduate research fellow/assistant for a comparative case study characterizing regional community attitudes regarding procedural and distributive justice dimensions of offshore wind development (power generation and transmission). This research is in collaboration with Dr. David Bidwell, (University of Rhode Island), Dr. Tiffany Smythe (U.S. Coast Guard Academy faculty member), and Dr. Kelsey Leonard (University of Waterloo). You must apply and be accepted as a University of Delaware (UD) graduate student to be eligible for the assistantship. Additional details are in the attached. Ideally the candidate will matriculate in February (Spring) 2022.
We intend to focus on thirteen Southern New England communities, including federally-recognized Tribal Nations, a traditional fishing community, an economically-marginalized community, and an island community. We seek to identify and assess community concerns and attitudes regarding the procedural and distributive justice dimensions of offshore wind power development and to examine differences in attitudes among communities. The research effort will involve interviews during 2022 and an online attitudinal survey of community members in 2023. Experience with community-based participatory research is an asset.
The assistantship includes a tuition waiver for the Fall and Spring semesters and a stipend. Twelve-month stipends are approximately $29,000. Depending on individual circumstance, a 9-month stipend can be considered. From a research perspective, it is highly desirable if an applicant can matriculate in spring (February) 2022, although fall 2022 admission (with summer 2022 funding) will be considered as well. To be considered for Spring 2022, please submit your application ( by November 30. Review of applications will begin immediately.
Funding for the research is provided by a partnership among the US Northeast Sea Grant Consortium, NOAA, and the Department of Energy<>, along with graduate research funding established by UD and the Delaware Municipal Electric Corporation (DEMEC) as part of the transfer of renewable energy credits (RECs) generated by UD’s 2MW wind turbine<> that is located adjacent to the UD College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment’s (CEOE) campus in Lewes, Delaware.
If you intend to apply, please email me (Jeremy Firestone) at<>.

PhD Graduate Research Assistantship examining co-adoption behavior related to residential rooftop photovoltaics and electric vehicles

An exciting opportunity for a prospective PhD student at the University of Delaware, USA, to participate in a multi-institutional 3-year Department of Energy funded research project to better understand trends, barriers, motivations and catalysts to co-adoption of residential rooftop photovoltaics (RPV) and electric vehicles (EVs). The research has three components: (1) semi-structured interviews (2) a survey to examine practices, norms, and attitudes; and (3) choice experiments to test the efficacy of low-cost policy interventions. This is a largely unexplored area in the energy transition.
Applicants are required to have training in quantitative social science data analysis, such as econometrics, along with excellent written and oral communication skills. A background in energy policy, social psychology, and/or economics, as well as training in social science data collection, including survey development, and in qualitative social science data methods is desired. Students in historically under-represented groups are especially encouraged to apply.
The PhD Graduate Research Assistantship includes a tuition waiver for Fall and Spring semesters and an annual stipend of approximately $29,500. An applicant may matriculate in February (Spring) 2022 (preferred) or September (Fall) 2022. The project commenced July 1, 2021. Please see PhD degree granting-programs in the Biden School of Public Policy and Administration<>, the School of Marine Science and Policy<>, and Economics<>. With grant funding finally in hand, timely application is encouraged. Review of applications begins now.
Participating UD Faculty are Principal Investigator (PI) Jeremy Firestone and Co-PIs George Parsons and Steven Hegedus
For questions, and if you intend to apply for a research assistantship, you should contact Professor Jeremy Firestone,

Research Fellow in Energy Justice and Transitions, University of Sussex

School/department: University of Sussex Business School / Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU)
Hours: full time Requests for flexible working options will be considered (subject to business need).
Contract: fixed term for 14 months 
Reference: 6260
Salary: starting at £33,797 to £40,322 per annum, pro rata if part time
Placed on: 28 June 2021
Closing date:  12 July 2021.  Applications must be received by midnight of the closing date.
Expected interview date: w/c 19 July 2021
Expected start date: September or October 2021

The Sussex Energy Group, within the Science Policy Research Unit at the University of Sussex Business School, are seeking to appoint a Research Fellow in Energy Justice and Transitions to work with Professor Benjamin Sovacool, Professor Adrian Smith, and Dr Mari Martiskainen and teams on two projects: the Centre for Research Into Energy Demand Solutions (CREDS) funded project Fuel and Transport Poverty in the UK’s Energy Transition (FAIR), and the ESRC / JPI SOLSTICE funded project Responsive Organising for Low Emission Societies (ROLES).

The Research Fellow will organise workshops, focus groups and undertake interviews with a range of research participants including policy makers, regulators, energy suppliers, advocacy groups, and householders. They will analyse interview and focus group data using qualitative data analysis methods; contribute to writing academic journal papers, policy briefings and blog posts; and present research findings to key audiences.

Essential criteria for the post include:

  • A PhD in a related area (e.g. energy social science research or other relevant social science research)
  • Knowledgeable about themes in energy justice, energy poverty and/or power in relation to energy studies
  • Good general knowledge about UK energy policy
  • Proven ability to organise, undertake and analyse systematically in-depth qualitative interviews with a range of policy, practitioner and lay subjects to academic and ethical standards
  • Experience organising workshops with policy, practitioner and lay participants, and documenting and analysing workshops
  • Ability to write reports and blogpost for non-academic audiences, particularly policy-makers and think tanks

Please contact Prof Benjamin Sovacool ( for informal enquiries.

To apply:

Download our academic application form [DOC 199.50KB] and Personal details and equal opportunities form [DOC 110.00KB] and fill in all sections.

Email your completed application, and personal details and equal opportunities form, to  

You should attach your application form and all documents to the email in PDF format (we are unable to accept applications as or .pages) and use the format job reference number / job title / your name in the subject line.

You can also send your application by post to Human Resources Division, Sussex House, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9RH.

PhD Opportunity:Towards Sustainable Energy Futures for Displaced Communities

A fully-funded PhD opportunity at Coventry University to explore sustainable energy futures for displaced communities drawing on anthropology and engineering.  

Project details

Globally, over 80% of the 8.7 million refugees and displaced persons in camps have little or no access to electricity. For refugee settlements and host communities to have access to reliable, sustainable and modern energy, humanitarian responses need appropriate guidance and data to deliver improved energy solutions in displacement settings.
This transdisciplinary project will build on the HEED project principles of community co-design. It will draw on fields of energy anthropology, energy ethics and socially informed Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) design approaches to rethink energy protocols in refugee settings. The project will use qualitative methods such as interviews and community-based participatory research.

The project objectives are:

• To understand the social, cultural and subjective meanings of energy in the case study community to support energy systems design that can respond to and respect the energy needs and aspirations of displaced people
• To examine decision-making processes and preferences about energy access and use of households, individuals and collectives of geographically co-located people to inform energy systems design protocols that promote security, well-being and improve life chances of displaced people.
• To add to literature on the barriers that limit displaced communities from accessing and benefitting from modern, affordable, and safe energy.
The closing date for the application is 24 May, 2021.

Further details can be found here:

Please contact Esra Kaytaz at if you have any questions about the call for applications. 

Doctoral Fellow in Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Lausanne

LACS is looking for a doctoral fellow (5 years, fully funded) with interests in some combination of the following: anthropology of energy and the energy transition; economic anthropology; extractivism; anthropology of materialities; resource conflicts; and the anthropology of alternative futures. A requirement for this position will be the ability to assist courses in French, although the working languages of LACS are English and French. 

For more information and to apply: Doctoral Fellow in Cultural and Social Anthropology 

New postdoc position at Durham

Durham is looking for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Social Anthropology or Human Geography with a particular emphasis on local government, energy policy and regulation, planning and development, to work on a project in collaboration with regional infrastructure networks. The researcher will report to Professor Simone Abram in the Department of Anthropology, Professor Tony Roskilly and Dr Andrew Smallbone in the Department of Engineering.

Postdoc opportunity at Sustainable Futures Institute at Michigan Technological University (starting August 2020).

A project funded by the National Science Foundation is hiring a 12-month postdoctoral researcher, to be affiliated with the Sustainable Futures Institute at Michigan Technological University (MTU). The project is a collaboration between MTU and Rutgers University. Work can be done remotely. 

The position will require skills and experience in social science survey data analysis, with additional desired experience in environmental life cycle assessment. The ideal candidate for this position has a strong quantitative social science background, experience managing complex datasets, and training in interdisciplinary environmental team science research. The ability to manage large data sets and use statistical methods to examine changes over time is essential.

The project involves examining food, energy, and water consumption data from households, particularly how the dynamics of consumption have shifted in the COVID-19 context, as well as understanding how that consumption relates to measurements of perceived risk, institutional trust, changing household dynamics, and changes in perceived well being. The postdoctoral researcher will be expected to lead data analysis and will have the opportunity to produce multiple first-authored publications with the support of a collaborative team of research scientists across multiple disciplines.

We recognize that many people will not be in a position to relocate, particularly in fall 2020. The work location is flexible, although it is preferred that the candidate be willing to travel and/or temporarily relocate to Houghton, MI or New Brunswick, NJ for part of the appointment duration, as conditions allow.

Salary: $50,000, with University benefits and travel funding support.

To apply, please submit the following applications materials: cover letter, CV, research statement (1 page), names of three academic/professional references. Application materials and any questions about this position can be submitted via email to Professor David Watkins, project PI,

Application review will begin on June 15th with an expected August start date.

PhD and Postdoc positions at Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation, Bergen. Deadline June 5 2020.

The Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation is looking for a PhD researcher and a postdoctoral researcher. The application deadline for two recruitment positions connected to the Research Council of Norway project: Freight logistics in sustainable cities (CITYFREIGHT) is extended to Friday June 5th.      

PhD position at Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation       

 PostDoc position at Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation

“Freight Logistics in Sustainable Cities” (CITYFREIGHT), which is led by NHH Norwegian School of Economics and where CET is a partner. The goal of the project is to provide public authorities with a toolbox for realistically evaluating major decisions that would make freight transportation in a city more energy efficient and sustainable. Most Norwegian cities are small and topologically complicated. Freight deliveries in city centres will, unless regulated, increase because of urban population growth and increased internet trade. In particular, there will be a large increase in the number of deliveries. Consequences may be enhanced energy consumption, increased space usage, noise, pollution and climate gas emissions.

Job opening: Centennial Chair in Community Energy Development at the University of Saskatchewan.

Location: Saskatoon
 Tenure Track
Employment Group:
Full Time Equivalent (FTE):
Posted Date:
Closing Date:
 Until Filled (reviews will begin May 15th)

Canada will be investing heavily in renewable energy systems in Northern, Indigenous and remote communities over the foreseeable future, with a goal of achieving full energy security for these communities.   We are seeking a dynamic and engaging scholar to join Canada’s leading research community on renewable energy development in Northern, Indigenous, remote and rural communities as a Centennial Chair in Community Energy Development.   Centennial Chairs are created and funded by the University in areas of strategic importance and are intended to recruit and retain outstanding faculty with strong research profiles.  The successful candidate will be appointed to a tenured or tenure-track position at a rank commensurate with qualifications (at either the assistant or associate professor rank), and the Chair will be awarded for a five-year term, renewable once.

The successful candidate should possess quantitative skills and capacity in modelling applications to understand the broader socio-economic impact of energy development in these communities. Experience working with communities to enhance the socio-economic potential of community energy development or community economic development is an asset. Applicants with relevant research experience in developing economy contexts, agricultural, Indigenous and/or rural communities, technology and change, environmental and energy economics, or in the resource sectors are encouraged to apply.  The search committee will consider scholars from various disciplines including economics, engineering, environmental studies, economic geography, or other relevant disciplines.  The Centennial Chair will establish the leading program of research and training in Canada to inform the socio-economic implications of this energy transition and to understand the value proposition for host communities.

The School of Environment and Sustainability (SENS) is a premier site internationally for practicing use-inspired and community-engaged scholarship.  Our faculty are committed to engaging Indigenous peoples and knowledge in research and teaching, and we emphasize hands-on experiential learning in our graduate programs.  Our focus on community energy development will advance our ability to connect with other units on campus, strengthen the policy relevance of our research and contribute to a sustainability focused curriculum.

As a tenure-track faculty member in SENS, the successful candidate will be expected to establish a substantive, externally funded research program in applied community energy development with applications to rural and remote communities, especially Indigenous and Northern communities.  With an important emphasis on the global energy transition and the new opportunities for local communities to develop their own energy projects through renewable energy, the research program is expected to adapt or develop models to measure the impact of local, renewable energy projects for sustainable economies, rural development, and community quality of life, among other issues.  The successful candidate will also teach courses in the Economics of Community Energy Development and in Economic Valuation of Environmental Sustainability; advise graduate students in our MES and PhD programs, and a new Master’s program in Energy Security (under development); engage in community outreach activities aligned with the faculty member’s research and teaching expertise; and, participate in broad-based university and departmental committee work and professional service.

The University of Saskatchewan is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, a city with a diverse and thriving economic base, a vibrant arts community and a full range of leisure opportunities.  The University has a reputation for excellence in teaching, research and scholarly activities and offers a full range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs to a student population of over 25,000.  The University’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis.

Required Qualifications

  • A Ph.D. in economics, engineering, environmental studies, economic geography, or another relevant discipline.
  • Ability to lead and contribute directly to research and teaching programs in energy and community development.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, as demonstrated through collaborative interdisciplinary interactions, or community engagement. 
  • Excited to work as part of research team of dynamic scholars working on community energy development in Northern and Indigenous communities.

Desired Qualifications

  • Experience working with rural or remote communities in North America, Europe, or the developing world is an asset.
  • Ability to apply quantitative economic valuation methods and economic models in their research program (for example, SAM, CGE, CBA, etc.).
  • Proficiency in at least one programming or modelling software (for example, R, Python, GAMS, STATA, JEDI, LEAP, etc.) is an asset.
  • Demonstrated success or clear potential for obtaining competitively awarded funding from the Canadian Tri-Agencies (SSHRC, NSERC, CIHR), or similarly competitive national or international granting agencies will be ranked highly.

The University of Saskatchewan salary bands for the 2020-2021 academic year are as follows: Assistant Professor $96,301 to $115,723; Associate Professor $115,723 to $135,145. 

This position offers a comprehensive benefits package which includes a dental, health and extended vision care plan; a pension plan; life insurance (compulsory and voluntary), academic long-term disability, sick leave, travel insurance and death benefits; an employee assistance program; a professional expense allowance; and a flexible health and wellness spending program. 

For information about the University of Saskatchewan, please visit

For information about the School of Environment and Sustainability, please visit

To be considered for this opportunity, please send your CV and a letter outlining your fit with the position requirements and with the SENS community.  Additionally, please submit (1) the names of three references who can speak to your research and teaching abilities; (2) a short statement on your teaching philosophy and experience; and, (3) a 3-4 page statement describing your research agenda, including accomplishments to date, objectives for the next 5 years, strategies for community engagement, and plans for external funding, in confidence to:  

Dr. Karsten Liber, Executive Director (Interim), School of Environment & Sustainability
117 Science Place, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5C8, Canada.
Telephone: (306) 966-8431

All qualified candidates, Canadian or other nationalities are encouraged to apply. Due to federal immigration requirements, we also ask candidates to indicate whether they are Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or are otherwise already authorized to work at this position for the duration of the appointment, with an explanation if this last category is indicated.

Review of applications will begin May 15, 2020; however, applications will be accepted and evaluated until the position is filled with an ideal start date of January 2, 2021.

Two research positions in Energy Justice and Transitions at the University of Sussex

The Sussex Energy Group, within the Science Policy Research Unit at the University of Sussex Business School, are seeking to appoint two Research Fellows in Energy Justice and Transitions to work with Professor Benjamin Sovacool and teams on a range of newly funded projects, including CINTRAN – Carbon Intensive Regions in Transition (in a consortium led by Wupperthal Institute), JUSTNORTH – Toward just, equitable and sustainable Arctic economies, environments and societies (in a consortium led by the University of Uppsala), and CREDS – Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (in a consortium led by the University of Oxford). The posts are fixed term for 2 years, starting between June and October 2020. Closing date for applications is 27 April 2020. Further details and how to apply:

The Research Fellows will examine the sustainability, equity, power, and/or justice implications of low-carbon energy transitions; co-lead the research design, analysis, and writing of case studies of justice and decarbonisation with fieldwork in Northern and Central Europe and/or the Arctic; and assist with other outputs examining conceptual and empirical applications of energy transitions and/or energy justice.

Essential criteria for the positions are:

·         A PhD (obtained at the time of the appointment) in energy studies, energy policy, science and technology policy studies, energy geography, political science, innovation studies, sustainability transitions, or a related area

·         Able to begin between June and October 2020 and be able and willing to travel for field work (at up to 2-3 weeks at a time), project meetings and conferences.

·         The analytical skills or experience necessary to apply existing concepts and theories about sustainability transitions, sociotechnical transitions, political economy, ecology, and/or social justice

·         Strong knowledge and methods training, and experience, in qualitative techniques such as field research and interviewing, database management, and experience writing case studies

·         Evidence of the ability to communicate effectively to academic, policy and non-academic audiences.

Applications are invited from candidates at Research Fellow I (Grade 7) and Research Fellow II (Grade 8) levels. 

Informal enquiries may be made with Prof Benjamin Sovacool

Postdoc position in the Energy Transition Dynamics group at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam

The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS) is an international, interdisciplinary center of excellence located in Potsdam, Germany. The IASS is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal State of Brandenburg and devoted to promoting science and research for global sustainability, particularly in the areas of climate change, the earth system and the development of new technologies and social pathways to sustainability. Further information about the IASS can be accessed under The IASS is looking for a PostDoc (100%) (f/m/d) with a social scientific background for the project TIPPING+ (Enabling positive tipping points towards clean-energy transitions in coal and carbon intensive regions) Reference Number: TIPPINGPLUS-2020-01The successful applicant will contribute to the EU-funded (Horizon 2020) TIPPING+ project,working closely with the project leader Prof. Johan Lilliestam in the Energy Transition Dynamics (ETD) group.

The ETD group investigates policies and strategies for the complete decarbonisation of the electricity system using only or almost only renewables. More information about the group can be found here: At the core of TIPPING+ stand carbon-intensive regions: areas that are currently strongly dependent on single carbon-intensive activity, such as coal mining or carbon-intense manufacturing, and thus face a potentially far-reaching transformation as Europe seeks to decarbonise energy and industry to fulfil its commitment under the Paris Agreement. In this, TIPPING+ will further our theoretical and empirical understanding of social tipping points in carbon-intensive regions: what causes a carbon-intensive region to fall into decline or to bounce back onto a new positive social and economic trajectory? What can policy do to mitigate negative social and economic effects? To this end, we will investigate social and economic patterns and trends in regions relying strongly on activities that are threatened by stringent climate policy and identify interventions that can help these regions to transform as these industries change or disappear.

The IASS work in TIPPING+ will focus on the policy and governance aspects, in particular the possible policy interventions to avoid social and economic decline in currently carbon-intensive regions also in a climate-friendly future. Our work will entail both theoretical/conceptual work and case study analysis. In particular, our work will have a strong component of empirical analysis of past regional transitions – which interventions had which effect in which social and economic context? – in order to understand what can be done in ongoing and future transitions. Parts of our empirical work will be carried out in Germany, for which fluency in German is necessary.


  • Leading the IASS work within the TIPPING+ project together with the Energy Transition Dynamics group leader, and carrying out the tasks and deliverables for which IASS is responsible, in direct collaboration with the work package partners and the ETD team.
  • Specifically, your work will entail
  1. Analysis of the current research frontier regarding social tipping points and, especially, tipping interventions, as the basis for expanding knowledge in this field;
  2. Definition of policy analysis indicators, to be used in the case studies of TIPPING+;
  3. Case study work to empirically inform the indicators and contribute to the deepened understanding of social tipping points. n salary tariff TVÖD E13.
  • Collaboration with project partners at the national, European, and international level.
  • Collaboration with the ETD team, especially to further our ongoing work regarding tipping points in the energy transition.
  • Contribute to the group’s work, including support of PhD students, attract additional externally funded projects.
  • Writing and/or contributing to publications in different formats (mainly peer-reviewed publications and, to the extent required by the project plan, project reports).
  • Societal outreach work and scientific advice (mainly to policy and civil society).


•Finished PhD degree in an energy-related social scientific field (e.g. political science, public policy) or economics, or similar.


  • Documented scientific excellence, documented especially through the publication record;
  • Knowledge of the European energy and climate policy;
  • Fluent written and spoken German;
  • Excellent spoken and written communication skills in English;
  • Ability to work independently and in an interdisciplinary team together with both natural and social scientists.

We offer an interesting and diverse job in an interdisciplinary team and the opportunity to do high-level research on current pressing energy and climate political issues. Working with us will further give you access to a large network of national and international research institutions and civil society organisations in the European energy/climate field, as well an attractive, international working environment with a good working atmosphere. The position will be remunerated in accordance with the German salary group 13 TVöD (Bund).

The position is a full-time position (100%) from April 2020. The position is foreseen for at least 24 months (i.e. until March 2022) and may be extended, if there is sufficient funding. The place of work is Potsdam, Germany.

The IASS seeks to achieve gender equality and diversity. We encourage applicants of diverse backgrounds. Applications of disabled persons with equal qualifications will be regarded favourably.

If you are interested in this position, we look forward to receiving your application, including a letter of motivation, CV and a writing sample (in English). Please submit your complete application, combined in a single PDF file no larger than 5 MB to Darina Karaivanova-Saase ( citing the Ref. No. given above in the subject line.

Evaluations of applications will begin on 17 February 2020 but applications will be received until the position is filled. Please specify in your application how you became aware of the offered position at the IASS.For questions regarding the IASS and the application process, please contact Darina Karaivanova-Saase (+49 331 28822 320). For further information and details on this position please contact Johan Lilliestam (Tel.: +49 331 28822-393).

If personal interviews are scheduled, travel costs cannot be reimbursed.

Assistant Professor, Durham University

Vacancy reference: anth20-2

Department: Anthropology

Responsible to: Head of Department

Grade: 7-8

Salary range: £33,797- £49,553per annum

Working arrangements: The role is full time but we will consider requests for flexible working arrangements including potential job shares

Opening date: 27/11/2019

Closing date: 24/01/2020

Preferred start date: Successful candidates will ideally be in post by 01/09/2020

The role

We are seeking to appoint up to four Associate Professors in Social Anthropology. Applicants must demonstrate research excellence in the field of Social Anthropology, with the ability to teach our students to an exceptional standard and to fully engage in the services, citizenship and values of the University. The University provides a working and teaching environment which is inclusive and welcoming and where everyone is treated fairly with dignity and respect. Candidates will be expected to demonstrate these key principles as part of the assessment process.

We are open to outstanding applications in any area of Social Anthropology. Our department has particular research strengths in energy and environment; expertise and knowledge; aesthetics and material culture; medicine and health; and political anthropology. We are looking to appoint candidates who will complement or synergise with research in these areas.

We are also open to any regional specialisms. We particularly welcome applicants with regional specialisms in the Anthropology of China to help build our teaching, research and postgraduate supervision in this area.

Candidates will be expected to contribute to team-taught core social anthropology modules at level one and two, where our focus is on politics, economics, kinship, religion, the anthropology of health and ethnographic methods. It is expected that successful applicants will be able to contribute strongly to at least two of these areas.

Post-holders will be expected to deliver an advanced Level 3 module on a specialist topic in social anthropology, relating to their own research; they will supervise both undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations and contribute to Social Anthropology teaching at Master’s level. Successful candidates will be asked to undertake additional duties around teaching, learning and student recruitment within the Department as required. Appointed candidates may be asked to teach on one of our undergraduate field-courses, though this is not a requirement.

The Anthropology Department at Durham University has an outstanding international reputation for teaching, research and student employability. We are one of the largest Anthropology Departments in the UK, with nearly 40 permanent academic staff working across social, evolutionary and health anthropology.

The Department of Anthropology has a vibrant research culture with many visitors, seminars, global conferences and workshops. We aim to foster an intellectually inclusive environment, fostering the academic freedom and confidence to work at both the core and boundaries of anthropology in exciting and innovative ways. We were the top-ranked integrated Anthropology department in the most recent Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014); fifth in the UK for overall GPA (Times Higher Education); first equal for world-leading and internationally-excellent Impact and Research Environment, and second equal for world- leading publications.

Download the full job description as a PDF.

Still open: Assistant Professor of Anthropology (Environmental Anthropology) California State University, East Bay in California





DUTIES OF THE POSITION:  The Department seeks an environmental anthropologist whose teaching responsibilities will include lower- and upper-division undergraduate courses in applied anthropology, sociocultural anthropology, ethnographic field methods, and environmental studies, with additional coursework as assigned.  Please note that teaching assignments at California State University, East Bay include courses at the Hayward, Concord and Online campuses, though courses associated with this position will typically be taught at the Hayward campus or online.In addition to teaching, all faculty participate in advising and committee work, and maintain a record of scholarly publications and of meaningful community engagement.  The new hire will have a reduced teaching load in the first two years, followed by opportunities for reductions in teaching load by means of competitive application for internal grants and/or special programs in subsequent years.  The successful candidate will have the opportunity to help shape the future of the Department and the University.

DATE OF APPOINTMENT:  Fall Semester, 2020.

QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must have an earned doctorate in Anthropology or a closely related field no later than the effective date of appointment.  A demonstrated record of research and scholarly activity in environmental anthropology, as well as the ability to teach sociocultural anthropology and ethnographic field methods, is required.  The preferred candidate will have expertise in some combination of cultural or historical ecology, environmental reconstruction, conservation, urbanism, and sustainability.  The new hire will be required to contribute to instruction in the Environmental Studies Program and to the University’s Institutional Learning Outcomes, particularly those involving diversity, social justice, and sustainability (  Candidates with successful teaching experience at the university level, as evidenced by consistently excellent student course evaluations, are preferred.  Candidates should be able to teach online and large lecture classes.  They should also demonstrate experience in teaching, mentoring, research, or community service that has prepared them to contribute to our commitment to diversity and excellence.  The ideal candidate will be able to employ High Impact Practices (HIPs) in teaching.  This University is fully committed to the rights of students, staff and faculty with disabilities in accordance with applicable state and federal laws. For more information about the University’s program supporting the rights of our students with disabilities see: Instructions

APPLICATION DEADLINE:  Application review will begin on September 20, 2019.  Positions are open until filled.  Please submit the following via Interfolio (see (1) a letter of application, which addresses the qualifications noted in the position announcement; (2) a complete and current vita; (3) three confidential letters of recommendation; and (4) a one-page diversity statement that explains how you engage a diverse student population in your teaching, research, mentoring, and advising.  Teaching evaluations or other evidence of teaching effectiveness may be requested at a later time.