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New blog for energy ethics research, ENERGY BLOG

The Energy Ethics Research Group at the University of St Andrews is excited to announce the launch of the ENERGY BLOG ( by .  

In this blog, they share anecdotes from their research, insights from the field, and reflections on issues of energy. The blog reflects the multi-disciplinary aim of the Energy Ethics Research Group to consider the sensibilities, events, processes and materials central to issues of energy.  

If you are interested in contributing to the blog, please do get in touch!  You can reach them at: Other details on their website:  

New interdisciplinary publications on energy use and energy demand

For five years, the research councils in the UK ran in an innovative research program focused on energy use and energy demand. This program supported six interdisciplinary centres

They set themselves the arduous task of trying to synthesize across projects, case studies and data some high-level, crosscutting findings. The below publications came out of this effort:

  • Sovacool, BK, B Turnheim, M Martiskainen, D Brown and Paula Kivimaa.  “Guides or gatekeepers? Incumbent-oriented transition intermediaries in a low-carbon era,” Energy Research & Social Science 66 (August, 2020), 101490, pp. 1-17, available fully open access at
  • Sovacool, BK, N Bergman, D Hopkins, KEH Jenkins, S Hielscher, A Goldthau, and B Brossmann.  “Imagining our sustainable energy future: Valence, temporality, and radicalism in the visions surrounding seven low-carbon innovations,” Social Studies of Science 50(4) (Winter, 2020), pp. 642–679, available fully open access at