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Three Month Placement Opportunity with IRADE in India supporting the Development of a New Energy and Gender Community of Practice in India.

The LCEDN are currently working with Energia on a collaborative programme around questions of gender within energy and international development research. As part of this work, we are supporting the development of a Community of Practice in Energy and Gender in India which is being developed by three organizations who have been working in research projects funded under Energia’s DFID-funded Gender and Energy research programme (IRADe, TERI and M.S. Swaminathan  Research  Foundation).

The placement will be hosted by IRADE in New Delhi. The successful candidate will interact with all three Indian partners (and the LCEDN and Energia) on a regular basis (weekly) and will work on stakeholder mapping and other documentation for the Community of Practice, as well as supporting the development and delivery of the meetings that will be organised from time to time to formalise the Community and Practice.

IRADe as well as the other two Indian partners will provide a stimulating environment for young researchers concerned with development issues and policy analysis. They offer connections with many types of stakeholders ranging from senior decision makers, private sectors, experts and other NGOs.

Profile of the Person we are looking for:

  • Academic background in sustainable energy (PHD/Post-Doc)
  • Exposure/experience with writing project proposals for funding and documentation
  • Experience in Stakeholder Analysis and facilitating meetings
  • We are looking for a sociable, good-humored, dedicated person with exposure to Asian and European environments, who is able to adapt and integrate at high speed into new tasks and teams.

Duration: Three months between January 2018-May 2018 (specific timings to be negotiated).

Stipend: The successful candidate will receive a stipend of 2000 GBP per month, and will also receive a travel expenses stipend up to the value of 1500 GBP.

Application process: To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter explaining how you meet the candidate profile, to .  The deadline for applications is 17:00 GMT on 23rd October 2017.

Remuneration – Benefits in kind -Reimbursement of expenses

Researcher will not receive any remuneration or reimbursement of expenses from the host organization(s).

New book: Electrification as Political Ritual in New Delhi

A Moral Technology

Electrification as Political Ritual in New Delhi

by Leo Coleman
Cornell University Press


In India over the past century, electrification has meant many things: it has been a colonial gift of modern technology, a tool of national integration and political communication, and a means of gauging the country’s participation in globalization. Electric lights have marked out places of power, and massive infrastructures have been installed in hopes of realizing political promises. In A Moral Technology, the grids and wires of an urban public utility are revealed to be not only material goods but also objects of intense moral concern. Leo Coleman offers a distinctive anthropological approach to electrification in New Delhi as more than just an economic or industrial process, or a “gridding” of social and political relations. It may be understood instead as a ritual action that has formed modern urban communities and people’s sense of citizenship, and structured debates over state power and political legitimacy.

Coleman explores three historical and ethnographic case studies from the founding of New Delhi as an imperial capital city, to its reshaping as a national capital for post-independence India, up to its recent emergence as a contemporary global city. These case studies closely describe technological politics, rituals, and legal reforms at key moments of political change in India, and together they support Coleman’s argument that ritual performances, moral judgments, and technological installations combine to shape modern state power, civic life, and political community.

Introduction: Electricity Acts

Part I. Imperial Installations

1. The Machinery of Government

2. Ritual Center and Divided City

Part II. National Grids

3. The Lifeblood of the Nation

4. Broadcast Mantras

Part III. Urban Transformations

5. The Life of Property

6. A Model Colony Conclusion: The Art of a Free Society