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Senior Researcher in Renewable Energy and Climate Services in West Africa

 Senior Researcher

Renewable Energy and Climate Services in West Africa


Work context

The Center for Development Research (ZEF) is an interdisciplinary, international, English speaking research and education institute of the University of Bonn. The position is part of the ERA4CS project “Climate Information to support integrated Renewable Electricity Generation in West Africa (CIREG)” at the ZEF Department “Political and Cultural Change”. For more information, please see

The research consortium for the CIREG project is led by the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research (PIK). Other partners in the consortium are Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), the West African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) and one industrial partner. The main objective is the development of climate-resilient and sustainable Renewable Energy Generation systems in the Volta and Niger River Basins (Ghana, Burkina Faso, Togo and Niger) jointly by scientists and West African stakeholders.


  • Contributing expertise and research to the CIREG project
  • Administrative support of the project coordinator at ZEF
  • Conduct empirical field research in West Africa (locations to be determined with the CIREG consortium): collection and analysis of social-economic baseline data, ethnographic case studies, survey among local entrepreneurs and quantitative data analysis
  • Writing and publication of scientific project reports, ZEF Working Papers, peer-reviewed journal articles
  • Active participation in activities of the ZEF department “Political and Cultural Change”
  • Active participation in ZEF thematic group “Water, food and energy”

Contract: The appointment will start as soon as possible after the final selection (probably July 1st 2018) and lasts 19 months. Part-time contracts may be considered, but the preference will go to applicants who are available full time. The university offers a remuneration package that follows the tariff system for public employees (TVL-West 13/1-2, gross annual salary: 45.900-50.945 Euro) depending on individual work experience. The duty station is Bonn where full time presence is required. During the contract period, three to four months will be spent in West Africa to conduct empirical data collection.


  • Master degree in a social science discipline
  • Expertise in social development studies with a focus on energy/ renewable energy
  • Expertise and work experience in empirical qualitative research
  • Research experience in Africa or in the Global South
  • Very good oral and written communication skills in English and French; good knowledge of written German
  • Ability and willingness to work in an interdisciplinary, multicultural environment, and to work in West Africa for three to four months
  • High degree of initiative and self‐motivation

Additional selection criteria

  • Interdisciplinary work experience
  • Very good administrative skills
  • First hand work experience with SPSS data analysis

Applications: Eligible candidates are invited to send their e-mail application including

  • Letter of motivation
  • Curriculum Vitae & list of publications
  • A proposal of methods for data collection and analysis (max 1.5 pages)

Please send your application (one pdf document) to Dr. Roberto Cantoni at

Closing date is May 31, 2018. Short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

The University of Bonn is an equal opportunity employer and places particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for female scientists and therefore strongly encourages qualified women to apply. Women and disabled persons with equivalent aptitude for the position will be favoured.

New book: Mise à l’épreuve des pratiques sociales : la recherche appliquée chez EDF

Isabelle Garabuau-Moussaoui, Magali Pierre (dir.), Pratiques sociales et usages de l’énergie, Paris, Lavoisier, Editions Tec & Doc, coll. « Socio-économie de l’énergie », 2016, 253 p., ISBN : 978-2-7430-2021-7.

Des crises pétrolières à la loi de transition énergétique, en passant par les différents événements nationaux et mondiaux concernant l’environnement et l’énergie, différents acteurs ont appelé à un changement de comportements des utilisateurs finaux d’énergie, appuyés par des analyses de l’homo oeconomicus (agent mu par sa rationalité économique) et de l’homo ecologicus (agent mu par ses valeurs environnementales). Cette démarche, qui n’a pas porté tous les fruits attendus, considère les comportements comme points d’aboutissement des politiques publiques, des dispositifs techniques ou des offres.

Cet ouvrage propose de renverser cette perspective. Posant les pratiques sociales comme point de départ, notre démarche consiste à appréhender leur diversité et leur ancrage quotidien et à saisir leurs logiques propres, pour analyser ensuite comment les outils et dispositifs sont mobilisés dans ces pratiques.

Dans un premier temps, les pratiques sociales et activités qui produisent une consommation d’énergie sont étudiées, afin de montrer comment les usagers jouent avec les systèmes, les équipements, les expérimentations, les catégories, les prescriptions. Dans un second temps, l’analyse se décale vers les acteurs intermédiaires, afin de prendre en compte les dispositifs socio-techniques, les acteurs et les instruments. C’est ainsi le « façonnement social » des technologies et la « fabrique des pratiques » qui sont explorés. Enfin, le rapport entre normes et pratiques (imbrication ou décalage) est examiné, en s’attachant aux discours portés par les ménages et les médias sur les consommations d’énergie et en analysant ce que chacun en raconte, dans ses actes langagiers.

Les contributions alternent entre restitutions d’enquêtes empiriques originales et travaux de synthèse faisant le point sur une notion. L’acteur de terrain comme le chercheur académique et l’étudiant pourront ainsi tirer profit de plusieurs niveaux de lecture correspondant à des formats de papier qui se complètent.

Introduction générale
Isabelle Garabuau- Moussaoui et Magali Pierre


Le consommateur- producteur d’énergie : des pratiques énergétiques en transition
Véronique Beillan

Acheter un appareil électroménager efficace
Caroline Escoffier

L’engagement dans une expérimentation d’effacement : des attitudes aux projets énergétiques des ménages
Cécile Caron et Mathieu Durand- Daubin

Précaires en milieu rural : quelles pratiques énergétiques ?
Dominique Le Roux

Expérimenter le véhicule hybride rechargeable dans la durée. Décrire et expliquer une nouvelle pratique sociale
Magali Pierre

Pratiques quotidiennes et rapport à la performance énergétique dans les bâtiments du secteur tertiaire : comment les occupants vivent au quotidien, entre figure de l’usager, du salarié et du consommateur- citoyen
Isabelle Garabuau- Moussaoui


L’approche « par les instruments » des politiques visant influencer les pratiques énergétiques. Points de repère et perspectives pour les sciences sociales de l’énergie
Arthur Jobert

Dépenses énergétiques des ménages en Europe
Rachel Guyet, Ferenc Fodor et Dominique Le Roux

La « mise en société » du compteur d’électricité communicant Linky.
Enseignements sociologiques de la trajectoire d’innovation d’un outil de régulation économique
Aude Danieli

Travailler dans une école « zéro énergie » : pratiques sociales, enjeux professionnels et impacts sur la pédagogie
Isabelle Garabuau- Moussaoui

La maîtrise de l’énergie vue comme la conception d’une situation durable (appropriée et efficace) : apports de l’analyse ergonomique des activités domestiques
Myriam Fréjus

Les véhicules électriques, des démonstrateurs au prisme d’approches multidisciplinaires
Thierry Brincourt et Magali Pierre


La question énergétique : entre pratiques sociales et problème public. Un exemple en région Provence- Alpes- Côte d’Azur (PACA)
Jérémy Bouillet

Liens entre attitudes à l’égard des économies d’énergie et valeurs
Béatrice Hammer et Monique Wach

Discours émergents et élaboration de nouvelles normes sociales : la médiatisation de la consommation durable
Ferenc Fodor et Patrick Couton- Wyporek

Le chaud et le froid des politiques énergétiques : des usages de la climatisation à leur prévention
Sophie Bouly de Lesdain

L’effet de la crise sur les ménages : Représentations, perceptions et pratiques
Christiane Legris – Desportes et Nina Testut

Faire preuve de discernement à propos des économies d’énergie : un nouvel énoncé des ménages/citoyens
Mathieu Brugidou

Températures du séjour en hiver : entre idéal et préconisations
Jérôme Cubillé


Les pratiques sociales à l’appui de la prospective énergétique ?
Catherine Kasbi

Le besoin d’une connaissance en sciences humaines et sociales sur l’énergie sans cesse renouvelé
Karine Berthonnet

Call for Abstracts: 2nd Africa-EU Renewable Energy Research and Innovation Symposium (RERIS) 2018

2nd Africa-EU Renewable Energy Research and Innovation Symposium (RERIS) 2018

23-27 January 2018, National University of Lesotho

On occasion of NULSTICE 2018



With more than 600 million Africans living without access to electricity and over 730 million relying on dangerous, inefficient forms of cooking, fast but sustainable development of African renewable energy markets is needed. Applied research and innovative business roll-outs play a key role in boosting this development, helping to secure energy supply in both rural and urban areas, increase generation capacities and energy system resilience. In March 2016, the RECP organized the first Africa-EU Renewable Energy Research and Innovation Symposium (RERIS 2016) in Tlemcen, Algeria. Attended by 135 participants from 30 countries, the symposium was a big step towards better research cooperation for renewable energy on and between the two continents.


Symposium scope and objectives

Based on the outcomes of the first symposium, the Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme (RECP) and the National University of Lesotho (NUL) are jointly organising the second Africa-EU Symposium on Renewable Energy Research and Innovation (RERIS 2018) from 23–27 January 2018 in Maseru, Lesotho. The symposium will take place on the occasion of the NUL International Science and Technology Innovation Conference and Expo (NULSTICE 2018).

The objectives of the research symposium are to

  • Facilitate Africa-EU renewable energy research collaboration
  • Increase public and private sector participation in renewable energy research
  • Build capacities for applied research and promote university business spin-offs

A call for abstracts is preceding the symposium, targeting researchers from Africa and Europe involved in research or business roll-outs on the following topics:

  • Grid connected renewable energy
  • Decentralised renewable and household energy solutions
  • Energy socioeconomics (e.g. policy, economics, legal, regulatory and social issues)
  • Promotion of energy research, innovation, education and entrepreneurship

For more info on the symposium and call for abstracts, visit

Symposium organisers and partners (tbc) 

  • LCEDN (Low Carbon Energy for Development Network)
  • Micro Energy International
  • PAU (Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences)
  • RECP (Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme)
  • UniPID (Finnish University Partnership for International Development)


Symposium committee

Conference chair

  • Dr Moeketsi Mpholo, Energy Research Centre (ERC) / National University of Lesotho (NUL)

Scientific committee

  • Benmansour Abdelhalim, Université Aboubekr Belkaid de Tlemcen, Algeria
  • Venkata Ramayya Ancha, Jimma University, Ethiopia
  • Dr Ed Brown, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
  • Thameur Chaibi, National Research Institute for Rural Engineering, Water and Forestry, Tunisia
  • Seladji Chakib, Université Aboubekr Belkaid de Tlemcen, Algeria
  • Dr Zivaye Chiguvare, Namibia University of Science and Technology, Namibia
  • Emanuela Colombo, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  • Abdellah Khellaf, Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables, Algeria
  • Izael Pereira Da Silva, Strathmore University, Kenya
  • Daniel  Egbe, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
  • Thomas Hamacher, Technische Universität München, Germany
  • Angeles López Agüera, UNESCO-CLRLA / Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • Martin Meyer-Renschhausen, Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany tbc
  • Dr Joseph Mutale, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
  • Wikus van Niekerk, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  • Armando C. Oliveira, University of Porto, Portugal
  • Marco Rupprich, MCI – The Entrepreneurial School®, Austria
  • Wim Sinke, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands tbc
  • Abdelilah Slaoui, University of Strasbourg, France
  • Anthony Staak, Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), South Africa tbc
  • Dr Dirk Steuerwald, Swiss Academy for Development, Switzerland
  • Dr Sandor Szabo, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Italy
  • Dr Zak Thamae, National University of Lesotho (NUL), Lesotho
  • Dr Daniel Yamegueu, International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering (2iE), Burkina Faso
  • Abdellatif Zerga, Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences (PAUWES), Algeria

Organising committee

  • Niklas Hayek, Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme (RECP)
  • Himanshu Narayan, National University of Lesotho (NUL)
  • Dr Thimothy Thamae, National University of Lesotho (NUL)


cfp: Climate Change, Decarbonization and the Urban Energy Transition

University of Hamburg, Germany

October 12-13, 2017


The workshop is aiming for developing key concepts and synthesizing the state of the art of urban transformation processes in relation to climate change, decarbonization and energy transition. Thematically the workshop is motivated by the worldwide growing urbanization which leads to a spatial concentration of population, economic activity and mobility on the one hand and by increasing CO2 emissions and climate change on the other. In order to promote pathways towards urban energy transition and decarbonization several strategies should be considered. Among those, the production, distribution and consumption of renewable energy are relevant key areas. There is still a lack of systematic integration of concepts, models and empirical evidence, combined with an insufficient knowledge base and a broad range of uncoordinated and dispersed solutions.

The workshop focuses on developing and integrating concepts and tools of sustainable urban energy landscapes and transformation, particularly renewable energy and low-carbon pathways. Furthermore, the workshop contributes to evidence-based strategies and experiences for climate and energy policies on the urban scale. Four research areas will be addressed (For details, please visit the workshop website and the call in pdf, the links are provided below):

1) Socio-technical and environmental topics of urban energy transition
2) City structure, urban land use and energy consumption
3) Distributional effects of urban energy policies
4) Multi-level models and governance concepts to manage transition processes

Invited Speakers:
Derk Loorbach
Janette Webb
Jochen Monstadt
Jonathan Rutherford
Sergio Tirado Herero
Stefan Bouzarovski

Intended post-workshop publication: Edited volume of contributions or a special issue in a journal

Please submit your abstract (300 to 500 words) focusing on one of the above areas to the workshop coordinator Ms. Ting Ting Tracy Cheung (Email: by Wednesday, 31st May 2017.

For more information, please visit our website and read the call in pdf.
Call for papers:

Conference webpage: